Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Verb parecerse y llevarse bien (9.1)

9.1 Reciprocal Actions Verb parecerse/ llevarse and exercises.
v Use the following Reflexive pronouns






  with reflexive verbs (infinitives end in –se).   Place the reflexive pronouns as you would any Direct or Indirect Object Pronoun.
o   to the left of any single conjugated verb or negative command
o   attached to the end of an infinitive, positive command or present participle (-ing word)

Uses:  Reflexive verbs have several meanings.
 in daily routines to mean “self”: lavarse, bañarse, levantarse, peinarse, cepillarse, ponerse, vestirse (i), ducharse, despertarse (ie), acostarse (ue)
 to describe a physical or emotional state: divertirse (ie), sentirse (ie), quejarse, portarse (bien/mal), darse cuenta de
 to express a change of state usually meaning “to get” or “to become”: ponerse, cansarse, aburrirse, enojarse, casarse, perderse, volverse
 some verbs change their meaning when they are used reflexively:
o   ir= to go                           irse = to leave
o   quitar = to take away       quitarse = to take off
o   perder = to lose                perderse = to become lost
o   dormir = to sleep             dormirse = to fall asleep
o   llevarse = to get along
o   parecerse = to look like

parecer = to seem             *******
o   quedar = to be located      quedarse = to stay
o   volver = to return             volverse = to become
v non-reflexive verbs can be used with the plural reflexive pronouns (nos, os, se) to express the idea of reciprocal actions to “each other”: abrazarse, besarse, ayudarse, comprenderse, escucharse, conocerse, contarse, entenderse, escribirse, hablarse, leerse, llamarse, llevarse bien/mal, pelearse, saludarse, verse

Gramática 9.1
(See related pages)

Describing Family Relationships: The Reciprocal Reflexive Verbs parecerse and llevarse bien
Look at the family tree on page 310 of your textbook and indicate if the following statements are true or false.

Amanda se parece mucho a sus hermanos Guillermo y Ernestito.
               A)      cierto
               B)      falso
Clarisa y Marisa son gemelas, por lo tanto son muy parecidas.
               A)      cierto
               B)      falso
Pedro y Ernesto son sólo cuñados, pero se parecen mucho.
               A)      cierto
               B)      falso
Andrea se parece a su hermana Paula.
               A)      cierto
                        B)       falsoBottom of Form

Translate the following sentences into Spanish.

 Daily Routines “self”

1. We woke up yesterday at 6:00 am.

2. They used to go to bed at 10:00 pm.
3.  I always get dressed before eating breakfast.

Physical/Emotional state

4.  You feel sad when you watch that movie.

5. We are going to have fun at the dance tonight.

6. She always behaved when she was at school.

Change of state “become” or “get”

7. They got married last week.

8. Don’t get angry!

9. We became tired after the race.

10. I left because I got bored.

Change of meaning reflexive vs. non-reflexive
11. The hotel is located on the corner.  Are you planning to stay there?

12. My sister and I get along well.  She lets me wear her clothes.

13. I always fall asleep before 10:00 pm.  I sleep for 8 hours.

Reciprocal “each other

14. They know each other very well.

15. We help each other often.

16. You all are going to write to each other by e-mail.

17. Listen to each other!

18. My best friend and I understand each other very well.

19. They saw each other last week.

20.  They are laughing because they are telling each other jokes.

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